BRANDBERG AMETHYST is only found on an ancient sacred massif in Namibia, Brandberg Amethyst is a truly magical tool for healing and enlightenment, containing the perfect blueprint for all that has and all that ever shall be. The crystal does everything required of it, although known under the label Amethyst, it can be Smoky, Clear or Citrine, sometimes even Hematite spotted. Many Brandbergs contain phantoms, some have windows, some are Elestial, some encompass Enhydros, bubbles of water millions of years old. Life affirming Enhydros symbolise the soul incarnate within the body. No matter what form the Brandberg Amethyst takes, all of them carry the entire spectrum and the perfection as a whole.
BRANDBERG AMETHYST tend to be person centred, it will identify to you what suits your inner resonance and vibration. Brandberg Amethysts rarely leave you once you've invited one into your life. This stone is a compassionate crystal oversoul uniting its scattered parts, bringing unity of consciousness.
BRANDBERG AMETHYST More than any other crystal, it demonstrates that you are a separate being and part of the whole at the same time. Brandberg Amethyst removes thoughts or implants, attachments or inappropriate mental influences from current or previous lives, releasing their effect.
It creates emotional clarity and teaches you how to stand in place, viewing the external world but not overcome by it.